Read “The State of Digital Advertising 2017” to learn the current state of the industry

Marin Software interviewed 500 digital marketing managers from leading agencies and brands around the world to discover the trends, opportunities, and challenges they face in 2017.

In this report, they discuss a number of insights, including:

  • Mobile Ad Spend: Marketing budgets are following the shift of eyeballs from traditional channels to mobile.
  • Lack of Expertise is routinely cited as a reason marketers knowingly leave money on the table. What are the implications of this trend and the opportunity it presents to those willing to learn and/or leverage new tools and channels?
  • What’s Hot? Marketers’ top priority in 2017 is content marketing. Learn how to integrate paid channels with your content marketing efforts for best results.
  • What’s Next? Marketers have taken notice of consumer willingness to try the newest video, voice, and augmented reality technologies coming to market. However, these nascent technologies are generally not a priority for marketers this year.

Learn more. Visit Digital Marketing Depot to download “The State of Digital Advertising 2017.”

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