Unravelling .NET with the Help of WinDBG

Unravelling .NET with the Help of WinDBG

This blog was authored by Paul Rascagneres and Warren Mercer.


.NET is an increasingly important component of the Microsoft ecosystem providing a shared framework for interoperability between different languages and hardware platforms. Many Microsoft tools, such as PowerShell, and other administrative functions rely on the .NET platform for their functionality. Obviously, this makes .NET an enticing language for malware developers too. Hence, malware researchers must also be familiar with the language and have the necessary skills to analyse malicious software that runs on the platform.

Analysis tools such as ILSpy help researchers decompile code from applications, but cannot be used to automate the analysis of many samples. In this article we will examine how to use WinDBG to analyse .NET applications using the SOS extension provided by Microsoft.

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