Why Wangguard Was Closed

Many people have been wondering why WangGuard closed for good. It is a question that I have come across more or less frequently in the WordPress forums, the official WordPress.org Slack, Twitter, and so on. I have never answered, but I feel that now the time has come to explain, since thousands of sites worldwide were using this plugin and there are conjectures everywhere.
From what I’ve seen, those conjectures can be anything from the economic ones, the professional ones, or the “he closed it just because” ones.
None of the above fits in the least with reality. Yes, WangGuard had a high server cost for me, but SiteGround had started to sponsor WangGuard, and hence that cost was gone. The only “cost” left was the time that I dedicated to the plugin. As to the professional one, that I had started to work for a company and had no time left, of course not. I still feel very comfortable working for myself, even though I can work more or less regularly for important companies, who know that I am a free agent. The “just because” conjecture is the most absurd of all: WangGuard was created to help people with a very big problem on the internet, particularly
Source: https://managewp.org/articles/15462/why-wangguard-was-closed

source https://williechiu40.wordpress.com/2017/07/04/why-wangguard-was-closed/