WordPress As A Headless CMS – DaftCode Blog

So you’ve built a static website, all is going well, but then it turns out that the client needs a small news section (which will be updated frequently). What do you do? A headless CMS might be an answer. Headless?
Headless software is software capable of working on a device without a graphical user interface.
A regular CMS, like WordPress or Drupal, has three basic parts:
a database to store content
a CRUD API to edit it (an admin panel)
a way of displaying the content — basically what the end users see
This third part though won’t be needed. What end users see will be the static website you already have, and all we want from the CMS is a way to provide the content as data, not as HTML views. The CMS will not be concerned at all about how the site looks like, it will just handle data input and output.
Enter WordPress.
We’ll skip any paid and/or cloud-hosted options for a couple of reasons. Firstly, no client would accept any fees for a small news section. Secondly, in the event of our cloud-hosted CMS provider going out of business, the data might go with him. Thirdly, it’s best to learn if you can look at the internals of any code you’re using.
Source: https://managewp.org/articles/15640/wordpress-as-a-headless-cms-daftcode-blog

source https://williechiu40.wordpress.com/2017/07/13/wordpress-as-a-headless-cms-daftcode-blog/