Cyber-crime , Cyber-war , Cyber-terrorism

C3 Cyber

  1. 1. Nation State Digital Attacks
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    DISCLAIMER The issues addressed in this document may be controversial.This document is for educational and research purposes only. Do not attempt to violate the law with anything contained here. Neither the author of this material, nor anyone else affiliated in any way, is liable for your actions. C3 : Cyber-crime , Cyber-war , Cyber-terrorism
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    The Technology World Always has the Sharpest Brains... There are equally sharp minds, working against you… Src : Securus First C3 : Cyber-crime , Cyber-war , Cyber-terrorism
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    Cyber-Crime • Any violations of criminal law that involve knowledge of Computer technology for their perpetration, investigation, or prosecution. – US DOJ • Criminal activities carried out by means of computers or the Information technology. • Cyber space is virtual, borderless and anonymous due to which it becomes difficult to actually trace the origin of a cyber attack. There are very few cyber-crime cells or police stations in India ; ordinary police stations are not well equipped and capable to deal with digital-crimes. • Cybercrimes had cost India about 24,630 crores in 2013 alone. C3 : Cyber-crime , Cyber-war , Cyber-terrorism
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    Cyber-Crime : GOAL, PROFILE & TARGETS Goals of Cyber - Attacks Attacker Profiles • State-Sponsored • Non-State  Insiders  Hactivists  Organized Gangs  Criminals • Hobbyists, Learners and Enthusiasts • Money • Power • Control • Publicity • Revenge • Crackers • Learning • Strategic Objectives • Embed sleepers • Espionage / Sabotage Target and Motives • Corporate  Defacement, Takeover / control  Financial , Extortion, Revenge  Information / Data Theft  Reputation Damage • Individual/Personal  Yours and Family – entire life  Ransomware  Stalking, Blackmail, Scams • Governmental / Military  Secrets, Weapon Control • Political, Religious, National unrest • Secret to combat cyber-crime is capacity building. • Anonymity browsing is illegal in some countries but not in India till now. C3 : Cyber-crime , Cyber-war , Cyber-terrorism
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    Underground Cyber Market • The Internet is where everyone has access to and where it’s easy to find things because they’re indexed by search engines. • The Deep Web is the part of the Internet that isn’t necessarily malicious, but is just too obscure to be indexed due to the sheer size of the web. Approx. 96 % of the internet is beyond search engines such as Google and Bing • The Dark Web is the part of the non-indexed part of the Internet (the Deep Web) that is used by those who don’t want to be found for whatever reason. This could be for seedy, illegal purposes or it could be a matter of privacy. C3 : Cyber-crime , Cyber-war , Cyber-terrorism • Silk Road provided a platform for drug dealers around the world to sell narcotics through the Internet • 950,000+ registered user • Taken down Sep 2013 • Darkmarket facilitated the buying & selling of stolen financial information • Had 2500+ members • Taken down in 2010 Sites like Silk Road and DarkMarket operate in the Deep Web / Dark Web offering illegal services
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    Cyber-Crime Tools Used • The operators in the Deep Web and Dark Web use tools which ensure the anonymity of their identity, location, transactions, and payments • Tor network provides anonymous browsing and access to the Deep Web sites that are identified as *.onion • Use of Bitcoins helps keep transactions anonymous as this system does not identify the buyer / seller or payer/payee except as a hash value. In addition bitcoins can be converted to cash in currencies across the world and thus provide an unidentifiable means of stashing and transferring money. • Tor is a special network of computers on the Internet, distributed around the world. • Tor is designed to conceal the true IP addresses of the computers in the network • Bitcoins are an anonymous, decentralized form of electronic currency • like "cash" in cyberspace - anonymous. C3 : Cyber-crime , Cyber-war , Cyber-terrorism
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    Cyber-Crime Market Prices Src : Trend Micro C3 : Cyber-crime , Cyber-war , Cyber-terrorism • Is the Black market illegal? • A black market or underground economy is the market in which goods or services are traded illegally. The key distinction of a black market trade is that the transaction itself is illegal. The goods or services may or may not themselves be illegal to own, or to trade through other, legal channels.
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    Crooks are smarter – and now it’s cheaper than ever! They can buy malware, attack kits, and even ‘Crimeware-as-a-Service’! It's as cheap as… Drive-by Download tool kit rental $100/WEEK Credit card details $ 0.50/CARDS DDoS attacks $10/DAY Stolen gaming accounts $10 EACH Verified Spam Email Blasts $70/MILLION • India and Union Cabinet has already approved the ‘Smart Cities Mission’, with an outlay of 48,000 crores, under which 100 new ‘Smart Cities’ would be developed. C3 : Cyber-crime , Cyber-war , Cyber-terrorism
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    CRITICAL INFORMATION INFRASTRUCTURES (CII) EDUCATION WATER DEFENCE TELECOMMUNICATION FINANCIAL GOVERNMENT HOSPITAL INDUSTRY ENERGY TRANSPORTATION Critical infrastructure is a term used by governments to describe assets that are essential for the functioning of a society and economy. Most commonly associated with the term are facilities for: • Amateurs hack systems, professionals hack people. — Bruce Schneier • Don’t assume that you’re not a target. Draw up battle plans. Learn from the mistakes of others C3 : Cyber-crime , Cyber-war , Cyber-terrorism
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    A Lot of Folks Have Substantial Misconceptions About This "Cyber War" Thing • -- Cyber war is NOT about “inadvertent” nuclear war -- Cyber war is NOT about cyber intrusions -- Cyber war is NOT about defacing web sites -- Cyber war is NOT about DDoS attacks -- Cyber war is NOT about malware -- Cyber war is NOT about cyber-enabling regular terrorism -- Cyber war is NOT about “high tech” war that isn't computer or network focused, nor is it about “non-technical" military information operations • That’s all “bad stuff,” and it might be “cyber espionage,” or “cyber terrorism,” or “high tech war" or "nuclear war" or "regular war" but it’s not cyber war. However since a lot of the impressions we have about cyber war are formed around those misconceptions, we need to start by looking at those areas. Src : C3 : Cyber-crime , Cyber-war , Cyber-terrorism
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    CyberWar • Although there is no clear doctrinal definition of “CyberWar” It involves the actions by a nation-state or international organization to attack and attempt to damage another nation's computers or information networks (ICT) through, for example, computer malwares or denial-of-service attacks. ( as WiKi) • It is internet-based conflict involving politically motivated attacks on critical infrastructure Industrial control systems and information systems. • Cyberspace: "the fifth domain of warfare” The other domains of warfare are land, air, sea, and space. • A Computer may be more dangerous than a Gun. • Cyber warfare is a great alternative to conventional weapons. • 2007 Estonia , Pentagon • 2009 Operation Aurora , Ghostnet • 2010 Stuxnet , WikiLeaks , Shamoon • 2011 Duqu, Stars Virus , Mahdi • 2012 Flame , Red October • 2013 Edward Snowden , Operation Ababil , Spamhaus • 2014 PLA Unit 61398, Sony • 2015 Anthem, OPM, Pentagon C3 : Cyber-crime , Cyber-war , Cyber-terrorism
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    Cyber-Terrorism • It’s a controversial term and there is no any proper consensus definition. • It's an acts of terrorism "premeditated, politically motivated attack against information, computer systems, programs and data which results in violence against non-combatant targets by sub-national groups or clandestine agents, with the intention to cause harm or further social, ideological, religious, political or similar objectives. Hactivists Terror Group State Sponsored • Geographic/Strategic • Political / Financial / Ideological • Ideological • Highly Coordinated attacks that can cause mass-disruptions • Can conduct sophisticated attack against targeted systems or spread rumors • Can conduct basic hacks against individual systems using tools MOTIVATIONS CAPABITLITIESTYPES • Cyber-attacks are a Nuisance, Not Terrorism. C3 : Cyber-crime , Cyber-war , Cyber-terrorism
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    Cyber-Terrorism DEFENDERS ATTACKERS • Trained to defend against • Well-known threats • Need abundant resources • Reactive Mindset • Hampered by ‘terrain, • Constantly innovating • Changing their attacks • Need less resources • Proactive Mindset • Government support • Government advantage • Spear phishing is the attack method used in some 91 % of cyber-attacks. • You can't defend. You can't prevent. The only thing you can do is detect and respond. C3 : Cyber-crime , Cyber-war , Cyber-terrorism Src:
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    CYBER ESPIONAGE METHODS OF SPREADING CYBERESPIONAGE MALWARE • Exploitation of vulnerabilities commonly software products, such as: Java ,Adobe Reader, Microsoft Office, Internet Explorer, Adobe Flash and more • Social engineering techniques – including spear-phishing campaigns • Drive-by downloads , Droppers • … The act or practice of obtaining secrets (sensitive, proprietary or classified information) from individuals, competitors, rivals, groups, governments and enemies also for military, political, or economic advantage using illegal exploitation methods on internet, networks, software and or computers • You don’t control all of your critical business systems. Understand your vulnerabilities in the distributed, outsourced world. C3 : Cyber-crime , Cyber-war , Cyber-terrorism
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    Some Biggest Data Breaches TARGETiCloud HACKING TEAM ANTHEM UBISOFTGAANAOPMASHLEY MADISON JP MORGANEBAYOLAADOBE SONY • Personally Identiable Information (PII) and intellectual property (IP) are the top targets • 205 Avg. days to discover breach & most breaches are discovered by third parties • MyDoom is considered to be the most expensive virus in the world, approx. $38.5 billion! C3 : Cyber-crime , Cyber-war , Cyber-terrorism
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    Information Operation's Terminology Cybercriminals are keen to learn new techniques that can make their own attacks more effective. They will devote significant effort to reverse engineering the most sophisticated attacks – even those developed by nation states. SIGINT : Signals Intelligence COMINT : Communication Intelligence ELINT : Electronic Intelligence OSINT : Open Source Intelligence PSYOPS : Psychological Operations FISINT : Foreign Instrumentation Signals Intelligence IMINT : Imagery Intelligence MASINT : Measurement Intelligence HUMINT : Human Intelligence GEOSPATIAL INT : Analysis & Presentation Security-Relevant Activities • Nations or organizations don’t need that much money to invest in cyber warfare. C3 : Cyber-crime , Cyber-war , Cyber-terrorism
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    MOTIVE IN CYBER ERA • Cyber Attacks on India are Increasing with Rapid Growth of 200%+ /Year. • Hack Your Life ultimately ~ Hack your nation CYBERCRIME When a Cyber-attack is use to Steal Money HACTIVISM When one uses Cyber-attack to promote Political Agendas CYBER ESPIONAGE When Cyber-attack is used to steal Specific Information CYBER WARFARE When Cyber-attack is used to form terrorism against Gov. ,Nation Src : Nxtgen C3 : Cyber-crime , Cyber-war , Cyber-terrorism
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    INDIA YEAR ATTACK OUTCOME 2010 Shadow Network is a China based computer espionage operation (Shadow in the Cloud) Attackers stole Indian national security information, 1,500+ e-mails from the Indian government, the office of the Dalai Lama 2009 China launched the Ghostnet against India to espionage that country’s confidential data The operation is likely associated with an APT. Computer systems belonging to embassies, foreign ministries and other government offices, and the Dalai Lama's Tibetan exile centers in India were compromised 2008 Use of unsecured Wi-Fi networks, to send terror E-mails by Indian Mujahideen operatives and other groups after blasts in Delhi, Ahmedabad, Jaipur, Varanasi etc. • State police and other Law Enforcement Agencies to deal with cybercrimes, Computer Emergency Team to deal with cyber security incidents, National Critical Information Infrastructure Protection Centre for the protection of CII, Cyber Security Coordinator, National Security Council Secretariat, Intelligence Bureau and various Intelligence Agencies, Ministry of Home Affairs and Department of Electronics and Information Technology are involved in cyber security functions etc. C3 : Cyber-crime , Cyber-war , Cyber-terrorism
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    UNITED STATES YEAR ATTACK OUTCOME 2001–2015 NSA’s reach appears to be limitless, according to documents leaked by Edward Snowden, which describe a vast hacking operation aimed at subverting the Internet’s infrastructure. Global paranoia and a reduction in security for all. 2007 The US launched the Stuxnet worm against Iran to sabotage that country’s nuclear program. Stuxnet succeeded in briefly setting back the Iranian nuclear program. The attack set a precedent for Cyberwarfare, wherein countries launch digital assaults to resolve political disputes. • The NSA, CIA and United States Cyber Command are the three main organizations that work towards this cause. • The force, which will be distributed across 133 teams, is on track to be fully functional by 2016. It will focus on three areas: providing support to combatant commanders across the globe, defense of the DoD information network, and protection of the nation's critical infrastructure and key resources C3 : Cyber-crime , Cyber-war , Cyber-terrorism
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    CHINA YEAR ATTACK OUTCOME 2009–2012 China allegedly hacked Google, RSA Security, and other companies to obtain source code and other sensitive data The hackers who breached RSA Security obtained core data used in the company’s two-factor authentication scheme favored by governments and corporations 2014 China breached several databases belonging to the US Office of Personnel Management (OPM) The hackers stole sensitive data, including Social Security numbers, relating to more than 21 million people interviewed for government background checks • The group of elite hackers in the China’s People’s Liberation Army is known as “cyber blue team” that will be engaged in both defensive and offensive campaigns, their mission is the protection of the country from cyber-attacks. • The PLA Unit 61398 (also known as “Advanced Persistent Threat 1” (“APT1”) and “Byzantine Candor”), is a sort of legend in the hacking world, it is the Military Unit Cover Designator (MUCD) • The country also hires groups like the Hidden Lynx - among the world's leading hacker groups - who can create customized Trojans and advanced watering holes to infiltrate targets. C3 : Cyber-crime , Cyber-war , Cyber-terrorism
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    Israel YEAR ATTACK OUTCOME 2014 Israel allegedly hacked Russian security firm Kaspersky Lab to obtain intel on its research about nation-state attacks. It also struck venues in Europe where the UN Security Council met to negotiate Iran’s nuclear program The attackers may have obtained intel about Kaspersky’s research. 2012 Suspected of launching the Wiper attack against the Iranian oil ministry and the National Iranian Oil Company The malware wiped 30,000+ workstations hard-drive data, then erased system files, causing the machines to crash and preventing them from rebooting. Iran insisted it had data backups. • Israel has been dubbed "The Startup Nation“ & cyber-security capital of the world . • Mossad is the national intelligence agency of Israel and is responsible for intelligence collection, covert operations, and counterterrorism. • Unit 8200 is an Israeli Intelligence Corps unit responsible for collecting signal intelligence (SIGINT) and code decryption. C3 : Cyber-crime , Cyber-war , Cyber-terrorism
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    NORTH KOREA YEAR ATTACK OUTCOME 2014 Sony Pictures Entertainment was paralyzed by an attack. The US attributed the action to North Korea and applied additional economic sanctions against the country and specific officials. The attackers nabbed gigabytes of internal data and communications, which they later posted online. 2013 Computers in South Korea were struck by a logic bomb that caused data deletion and prevented rebooting. South Korea blamed North Korea for the attack but has never produced solid evidence. Two broadcast media companies and at least three banks were affected. • Bureau 121 is a North Korean Cyberwarfare agency, which is part of the General Bureau of Reconnaissance of North Korea's military and most talented computer experts.; the bureau specializes in sophisticated distributed denial of service (DDoS), encryption obfuscation, spear phishing, watering holes, and zero day attacks. • Unit 124 was a North Korean Special Operation Forces unit, part of the Reconnaissance Agency, formed to conduct intelligence gathering, espionage, terrorism and abduction operations in South Korea. C3 : Cyber-crime , Cyber-war , Cyber-terrorism
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    IRAN YEAR ATTACK OUTCOME 2012 Iran allegedly launched a virus called Shamoon against oil conglomerate Saudi Aramco’s computers. US officials blame Iran for the attack but have never produced evidence. Shamoon wiped data from some 30,000+ machines and destroyed system files, preventing reboots. 2011-2012 Iran launched a series of Denial-of-Service attacks on US banks. Though Izz ad-Din al-Qassam Cyber Fighters took responsibility, US officials claimed Iran was retaliating for Stuxnet and UN sanctions. The attacks consumed resources, but no long-term damage was reported. • Iran was the victim of a cyber attack cyber-worm ‘Stuxnet’, a combined effort by the United States and Israel, Stuxnet destroyed perhaps over 1000 nuclear centrifuges. • In 2013, a Revolutionary Guards general stated that Iran has “the 4th biggest cyber power among the world’s cyber armies. • Distributed denial-of-service (DDoS), spear phishing, viruses, and brute force attacks are the most common weapons in an Iranian hacker's toolkit. • Since 2010, Iran's funding for cyber-security has been increased from $3.4 million to 19.8 million C3 : Cyber-crime , Cyber-war , Cyber-terrorism
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    RUSSIA YEAR ATTACK OUTCOME 2014 Russia allegedly hacked the US State Department and the White House. The attackers had access to unclassified emails for President Obama as well as nonpublic details about his schedule. 2015 Russia reportedly hacked TV5Monde, a French-language broadcaster. A group calling itself the CyberCaliphate took credit, but French officials have pointed the finger at Russia. The hackers blacked out broadcasting for several hours and posted messages expressing support for ISIS to the TV channel’s social media accounts. • Cyberwarfare in Russia includes allegations of denial of service attacks, hacker attacks, dissemination of disinformation over the internet, participation of state-sponsored teams in political blogs, internet surveillance using SORM technology, and persecution of cyber-dissidents. • APT28 cyberespionage group is active since 2007 and it has targeted governments, militaries, and security organizations. The group focused its hacking campaign on targets that would be of interest to Russia, such as the Caucasus region with a focus on Georgia. • Russian hackers group "Turla" Spy Gang Has Clever, Less-Detectable Hacking Technique, using highly sophisticated malware for both Windows and Linux platforms, as well as multistage proxies for bypassing network segmentation and isolation mechanisms. It has been found to have been hijacking legitimate satellite internet connections to mask the location of its command-and-control (C&C) servers & active since for more than 8 years. C3 : Cyber-crime , Cyber-war , Cyber-terrorism
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    Some Facts • Cyber-attacks cost business $400 Billion a year • 25 % of cyber cases unresolved • Only 17% of companies are fully prepared for an incident • Social media – a hackers’ favorite target, Hacking an Plane, Car… IoT Smart-Devices • 37% of Microsoft servers on ships are vulnerable to hacking • 48 % of mobile phone users don't have a passcode or other access authentication method • Approx. 600,000 no of hackers that log into Facebook everyday trying to breach user's personal Security • 91% of all attacks on the enterprise network are the result of successful spear-phishing • 53% Of breaches stem from malware & hacks • Largest DDoS attack reached 400Gbps (Avg 14 Gbps) • …… • Every smart-phone is a computer. • Majority are not tech-savvy, or security conscious. So From Authentic source • There are more than 900 million mobile users and 200 million Internet subscribers in India. C3 : Cyber-crime , Cyber-war , Cyber-terrorism
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    EMERGING THREATS • Social-Media • Internet-Of-Things threats , Fileless Threat , Memory Scrapping Malware • BIGDATA • Unsecure CLOUD • 3D- printers Bio-Printing • Crypto-currency threats • Drone : Imagine such a device delivering RDX to a critical building or structure • Leveraging Technology for Building National cyber intelligence • Lack of Qualified Skills, providing end –user training awareness • Crimeware-as-a-Service, Prosecution remains a challenge • Can there be true anonymity on the internet ? To some extent, the answer to the title is "YES“ • ----- • World’s internet is powered by the complex network of internet submarine cables hidden inside the mighty oceans of Earth. These cables are not much thicker than 8 cm and they transmit about 99 percent of all international data. C3 : Cyber-crime , Cyber-war , Cyber-terrorism
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    WHERE TO START • Establish proper clear ownership of risk at the highest level • Assume you are compromised , randomly perform assessments to detect APTs • Hands-on experts who skilled in the functional areas of Cyber-Security- Identify, Protect, Detect, Respond and Recover • Build world class R&D & policing. Set-up Cyberdome to tackle Cyber-crime • Computer forensics & Leverage Threat Intelligence is not enough, Identity management must be world-class • Governments, organizations and citizens should prepare themselves against these inevitable threats • Isolate critical infrastructure & Two-factor authentication, minimum for sensitive areas. • Positive collaboration between the security industry, academia, law enforcement, and governments to take down cybercriminal operations • Secure the Mechanisms of the Internet. Essential to the security of the Internet infrastructure is ensuring the reliability and secure use of three key protocols: 1 : The Internet Protocol (IP) 2 : The Domain Name System (DNS) 3 : The Border Gateway Protocol (BGP) • You need tools, skilled people, and a plan for detection and incident response. Such team must be well aware of techno legal aspects of cyber law, cyber security, cyber forensics, etc. C3 : Cyber-crime , Cyber-war , Cyber-terrorism
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    Terminologies • Upstream collection is a term used by the National Security Agency (NSA) of the United States for intercepting telephone and internet traffic from major internet cables and switches, both domestic and foreign. Besides the Upstream collection, NSA also gathers information from internet communications through arrangements with internet companies under the program codenamed PRISM • Fire Sale attack is an all-out Cyberwarfare attack that performs a three-stage systematic attack on a nation's computer infrastructure. Hackers called it Fire Sale because "Everything must go“ • Stage 1: Shutting down all transportation systems; such as traffic lights, railroad lines, subway system and airport systems. • Stage 2: Disable the financial systems; including Wall Street, banks and financial records. • Stage 3: Turning off public utility systems, such as electricity, gas lines, telecommucations and satellite systems. • Red Team-Blue Team exercises take their name from their military antecedents. The idea is simple: One group of security pros--a red team--attacks something, and an opposing group--the blue team--defends it. Originally, the exercises were used by the military to test force-readiness. • Tallinn Manual on the International Law Applicable to Cyber Warfare is an academic, non-binding study on how international law, in particular the jus ad bellum and international humanitarian law, apply to cyber conflicts and cyber warfare. The Tallinn Manual was written at the invitation of the Tallinn-based NATO Cooperative Cyber Defence Centre of Excellence by an international group of approximately twenty experts between 2009 and 2012. • Cyberwarriors are agents or quasi-agents of nation-states who develop capabilities and undertake cyberattack in support of a country’s strategic objectives. Cyberactivists are individuals who perform cyberattack for pleasure, philosophical, political, or other nonmonetary reasons. C3 : Cyber-crime , Cyber-war , Cyber-terrorism
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    About me (shame self-promotion) Email : Google : D3pak Kumar Twitter : @D3pak Web :
    C3 : Cyber-crime , Cyber-war , Cyber-terrorism
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    Resources • Wiki , ToR, Rands, Homeland security, Kaspersky , TrendMicro, Dell, Bright talk, Securus First, National Research Council, Fas, General Accounting Office, Cyber Conflict Studies Association, Strategic Studies Quarterly, Center for Strategic and International Studies, and Monitor reporting • See
    . • For additional information, see CRS Report RL33123, Terrorist Capabilities for Cyberattack: Overview and Policy Issues, by John W. Rollins and Clay Wilson. • See “Challenges Remain in DHS’ Efforts to Security Control Systems,” Department of Homeland Security, Office of Inspector General, August 2009. For a discussion of how computer code may have caused the halting of operations at an Iranian nuclear facility see CRS Report R41524, The Stuxnet Computer Worm: Harbinger of an Emerging Warfare Capability, by Paul K. Kerr, John W. Rollins, and Catherine A. Theohary. • Executive Assistant Director Shawn Henry, Responding to the Cyber Threat, Federal Bureau of Investigation, Baltimore, MD, 2011. • Department of Defense Deputy Secretary of Defense William J. Lynn III, “Defending a New Domain,” Foreign Affairs, October 2010. C3 : Cyber-crime , Cyber-war , Cyber-terrorism
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