From the mail bag…

Mailbag animated

From the mail bag!

Greetings Lady Ada, et. al,

My son and I would like to thank you for the speedy delivery of a variety of test and prototyping aids. Those items along with some fun things and a few parts to stock the supply box arrived in good order and superb time. It is obvious that you are employing Time Lord technology to deliver your goods. Say hi to the Doctor and Lord President of Galafrey for me.

Once I got the software installed, the Pro Trinkets are working as they should. The boards you produce are works of art. I almost want to frame them as examples of what great electronic assemblies should be.

Thank you again for NeoPixels, PermaProto boards, Lucid explanations and a GPS that actually works under poor receiving conditions. You’ve made this old EE’s itch to tinker much easier to manage.

And thank you Lady Ada Lovelace for pointing out to the world that the symbols on a computing device could represent something other than numbers or single letters. You were a little early. But look at what your timely observation has wrought; image/sound processing, information processing, and a desire on the part of the younglings to learn more!

Well done,


from Adafruit Industries – Makers, hackers, artists, designers and engineers!