Introducing site meta

There is a new feature that is coming to WordPress multisite is and it is called site meta. This new functionality, was originally purposed by John James Jacoby and it is key building block for the future of multisite. But to understand it’s importance, you must first understand how WordPress multisite is built. The basics
There are two key concepts that you have to understand about multisite before continuing, sites and networks. Basically, once you install multisite, it installs some new tables in the database. These tables are used to store data from the networks and sites. The default installs of multisite installs one network and a single sites. All sites are part of a network, but it is also possible to have a multi network. See JJJ’s amazing wp-multi-network for more detail. Currently if you want to extending multisite, it is easy to extend networks, as there is already a network settings, which stores networks meta table. Developers can already create their own network options pages and store data as a network. Plugins like yoast and jetpack already do this. But if you want to extend a site, it not currently possible. Developers can store site level data in the options
