Sweetwater High School Girls Who Code Club Promo Video feat. Bartlebeats #MakerEducation

Educator extraordinaire Sara Kazemi teaches Computer Science at Sweetwater High in National City, CA and is starting a Girls Who Code club! She put together a promo video to promote the club to show in the school news and set it to the track “Daisy” from the Bartlebeats album Frequency.

Girls Who Code is a national program founded by Reshma Saujani. This video is to promote the chapter at Sweetwater High in National City, CA. More information about Girls Who Code clubs can be found at girlswhocode.com

Thanks to Tom “Bartlebeats” White for allowing us to use his track “Daisy” from the album Frequency.

Check out his other tracks at: http://ift.tt/2x0NHIN
Buy the album on vinyl at: http://ift.tt/1vCAhJW

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FREQUENCY – Adafruit’s 1st Vinyl Record: A black box arrives in the mail. It’s a Cupcade, from Adafruit and you’ve been anxiously waiting for it. You rush to your workbench, switch on your soldering iron, and take out your kit. But there’s something missing.

It’s not a component. Or a tool. Or a broken link in one of our tutorials. There’s no soundtrack. (read more)

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from Adafruit Industries – Makers, hackers, artists, designers and engineers! http://ift.tt/2w71bpQ