TechCrunch on the Future of Drone Delivery #drone #droneday
From TechCrunch:
The last obstacle the drone industry will have to overcome is trust.
To begin with, earning the ear (and goodwill) of regulators demands a demonstrable commitment to public safety. This means more data, more third-party validation and more edge cases covered. The industry will need more research to get the sign-off from regulators on autonomous flights.
Yet it may be equally challenging to earn the trust of customers. Like any new technology, the specifics of large-scale drone operations remain a mystery to consumers. If industry leaders aren’t 100 percent sure of how drones will work in society, it’s no surprise the average consumer still views the tech with healthy skepticism.
It will take time and effort to win the trust of potential customers. More flights are required to make the public aware of this new technology. Right now, consumer drones cause concern for some bystanders — imagine the chaos a fleet would cause.
Welcome to drone day on the Adafruit blog. Every Monday we deliver the latest news, products and more from the Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAV), quadcopter and drone communities. Drones can be used for video & photography (dronies), civil applications, policing, farming, firefighting, military and non-military security work, such as surveillance of pipelines. Previous posts can be found via the #drone tag and our drone / UAV categories.
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