The Key Role of Cybersecurity When Strategizing Your Company’s Digital Transformation

Companies around the world, of every size and in every industry, are engaging in digital transformation, as they seek to leverage technology to enhance efficiency, innovate products, automate processes and transform virtually every aspect of their operations. Some are doing so strategically, focusing on the big picture of how digital transformation should progress.

That “big-picture thinking” should also incorporate an organizational emphasis on cybersecurity, and the practices and technologies that will allow a company to minimize risks while navigating its own digital transformation.

Managing the transformation

As you think strategically about your organization’s digital transformation, keep these key points in mind:

  • The C-suite must play a critical role in digital transformation, as well as cybersecurity. Executives should lead the way in embracing new technologies, and serve as practicing role models for an organizational culture that emphasizes cybersecurity from top to bottom.
  • An up-to-date data breach response plan is a key component of a strong and effective security program.
  • Successfully spearheading digital transformation is not the job of any one individual, but rather a collaboration among key executives, including your CEO, CIO, CISO, CDO and others. Each will bring unique skills, knowledge and focus to the collective emphasis on cybersecurity.

Emerging leadership roles

The chief digital officer (CDO) has emerged as the face of digital transformation for many companies. He or she is responsible for deciding what new technologies a company should adopt, and scheduling and spearheading their implementation. As the CDO’s role continues to evolve, he or she will need to work closely with the organization’s Chief Security Officer to ensure all the company’s cybersecurity plans incorporate newly adopted technologies.

The interconnectedness of systems and technologies, both within organizations and with other entities outside the organization, means companies must make cybersecurity a priority throughout every stage of their digital transformation.

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