Around the IP blogs

Jeremy Phillips receives Goldring Award

Earlier this week IPKat founder and longtime contributor, as well as Class 46 founder and MARQUES Social Media Coordinator, Jeremy Phillips (right) 😍😍😍, was presented with the second annual David Goldring Volunteer Award during the Annual Conference in Prague. 

The Award was established last year in memory of David Goldring, who supported MARQUES for many years, notably as Treasurer. The first award was presented in David's memory to his wife, Dee, at last year's Annual Conference. 

Presenting the award, MARQUES Chair Gregor Versondert paid tribute to Jeremy's long and influential career in IP, and his significant contribution to MARQUES.  

On receiving the award, Jeremy noted that he had attended the very first MARQUES conference in Vienna with David Goldring, when they had both been young practitioners. 

Jeremy added that one of his grandsons now plays football at David's old club, and he regularly sees the plaque that commemorates David's contribution there. 

Congratulations Jeremy! 

CJEU addresses trade marks and PDOs in Port Charlotte judgment 

Paulo Monteverde of the MARQUES Geographical Indications Team reports on the recent interesting decision from the CJEU in the "Port Charlotte" case. The CJEU confirmed the General Court decision and concluded that “Port Charlotte” is not an evocation of the Protected Denomination of Origin (PDO) PORTO or PORT (Case C-56/16 P). 

Brexit and design rights

The European Commission has published a paper on intellectual property rights after Brexit, which was sent to the EU27 ahead of the Council Working party (Article 50) on 7th September 2017. The paper covers unitary rights including registered Community designs (RCDs) and unregistered Community designs (UCDs). It sets out five "general principles". Read more about the paper in this post on our sister blog, Class 46.

Joint JIPLP-GRUR event - A Distinctive Mess? Current Trade Mark Law and Practice in the EU and UK

Since January 2013, the Journal of Intellectual Property Law & Practice (JIPLP), which IPKat contributor Eleonora co-edits, has partnered with the German Association for the Protection of Intellectual Property (GRUR) to exchange content between JIPLP and GRUR Int., as well as organising events aimed at IP enthusiasts - wherever based!

On Friday, 24 November 2017, join JIPLP and GRUR for an exciting half-day event devoted specifically to the latest trade mark developments and trends in the EU and UK.

The conference will be held at the beautiful London offices of Allen&Overy. It will consist of two panel sessions composed of leading IP practitioners and academics who regularly contribute to JIPLP and GRUR Int, and feature a keynote address by Sir Richard Arnold. Fancy attending? Register here!


Those following the tenofovir SPC litigation in Europe will be pleased to hear that the High Court of Paris has recently handed down a decision in relation to Gilead's SPC based on EP0915894. Denis Schertenleib, who acted for Mylan in these proceedings, has kindly provided a short summary of the case, along with a copy of the decision and an English translation.