Backing Up Your Raspberry Pi SD Card #piday #raspberrypi @Raspberry_Pi


From Pi My Life Up:

In this guide, we will be showing you various ways on how to backup your Raspberry Pi and also how to restore it. Backing up is a crucial task that you should be doing often, especially if you make many changes or are storing data on it.

One thing to note is that some backup methods are going to be way more thorough the others, for instance backing up your Raspberry Pi SD Card image is going to be more reliable than just backing up all the files to a USB device since the image is a replication of all partitions on the SD Card.

We will be exploring two different methods of backing up your Raspberry Pi in this guide, the two different methods that we will be showing you how to do is the following:

  • Backing up your Raspberry Pi to a computer using a SD Card Reader
  • Backup the Raspberry Pi to a USB device

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