“Cater!” Celebrating mistakes together with Sparky the Blue Smoke Monster :) @adafruit @discordapp #adafruit

Adafruit 2728

We are giving away some Sparky the Blue Smoke Monster pins in the Adafruit Discord chat! All you need to do is post your wonderful mistakes in the #showandtell channel and we’ll be reviewing them every week or so and randomly picking one! If you’ve won, we’ll message you on Discord so we can send you out one!

To get this start, Carter (who works with us!) writes –

Fun game. I want to play.
My first attempt at a PCB – a simple LM386 based amp. OSH Park made exactly what I sent them, including a short to ground I somehow managed to route. #sparky

Sparky Pin Iso Orig Revised-E1504025922374

Since Carter (Cater) works with us, we’re not sending him one unless he really wants it, we’ll be picking another winner of learning from experience shortly 🙂

from Adafruit Industries – Makers, hackers, artists, designers and engineers! http://ift.tt/2w5RHLS