Cinnamon and MATE Packages Rebuilt
As promised, i have pushed the latest build of Cinnamon and MATE binaries targeting for Slackware Current users to It's built against the latest Slackware Current snapshot (per Tue Sep 26 02:37:01 UTC 2017). Here's some notes on both projects:
- All python packages support both python 2/3 bindings in the same package
- New package: graphviz (new dependency for vala)
- lxml upgraded to 4.0.0 (requires python3)
- colord upgraded to 1.4.1 (requires meson)
- json-glib upgraded to 1.4.2 (requires meson)
- libgtop upgraded to 2.38.0
- metacity upgraded to 3.25.2
- krb5 upgraded to 1.15.2
- vala upgraded to 0.38.1 (requires graphviz)
- python3 removed (included in Slackware)
- pygobject3-python3 removed (included in pygobject3 in Slackware)
- py3cairo removed (included in pycairo in Slackware)
- dbus-python3 removed (included in dbus-python in Slackware)
- A mix of 1.18 and 1.19 since not all 1.19 tarballs have been released
- New package: graphviz (new dependency for vala)
- gtksourceview3 upgraded to 3.24.4
- libgtop upgraded to 2.38.0
- libpeas upgraded to 1.22.0
- libgxps upgraded to 0.3.0 (requires meson)
- vala upgraded to 0.38.1 (requires graphviz)
- docutils removed (included as python-docutils in Slackware)