Cloudflare-Recon version 0.1 Demo

Cloudflare-Recon is forked from Cloudflare-enum which is written in Python. It obtains the DNS zone record from a website that protected by CloudFlare. This tool is a Swiss Army Knife that can be defensive and/or offensive.

CloudFlare is a cloud based service that provides Distributed Denial of Service (DDos) or DoS as well as Web Application Firewall (WAF) protection. The real IP address of the websites that protected by Cloudflare will be hidden as purpose. However, Cloudflare is a well known company that aiding and abetting criminals who host their websites behind it for malicious activities.

When the DNS zone records are configured incorrectly, the IP address of the server cannot be hidden and Cloudflare cannot protect you from being DDoS/DoS.

This tool is useful for law enforcements, hackers and sysadmins for finding out the real IP of the website that protected by Cloudflare.

Cloudflare-Recon is modified by Samiux on Sept 10, 2017.

Version: 0.1 - Sept 10, 2017 GMT+8

[+] Enhancement

That's all! See you.