IBM Announces expansion of IOT ecosystem with new clients

IBM has announced key clients and partnerships that are fuelling Internet of Things (IoT) innovation in India. This news kicks off IBM’s Genius of Things Summit in Mumbai where more than 200 customers, partners and industry leaders will discuss new ways of doing business and showcase innovative new real-life customer stories that demonstrate how IoT can disrupt the market.

“In today’s hyper connected era, business must be able to make sense of the massive amounts of data being generated to create a safer world, improve consumer experiences and deliver excellence in service. The key to this is Cognitive IoT,” said Karan Bajwa, Managing Director, IBM India/South Asia. “With an unparalleled, growing global ecosystem of over 6,000 clients, 1,400 partners and 750 IoT patents, IBM is uniquely positioned to lead the IoT revolution across industries and help companies in India plug into critical new revenue streams.”Read More