Never Too Late: If you missed the IPKat Last Week!

Been away and want to catch up with last week's IP news? No problem! As always, the IPKat is here to bring you a quick summary -- the 162nd edition of Never Too Late.

“A perusal through the contributors to the Edward Elgar Handbook on the Economics of the Internet warmed the cockles of this dismal scientist's heart, for in it contains a number of IP economists who have dared stray into the dark waters of the Internet. Consisting of a collection of essays, the Handbook includes chapters by experts in many aspect of the digital world.” – another excellent book review by IPKat's Nicola Searle. 

Real beauty vs. Photoshop?

Mathilde Pavis reports on the French “real beauty campaign” – “The French Health's Ministry has recently reformed national laws to back 'real body' campaigns because they're worth it! There will be no more 'photo-shopped' photographs of models going undisclosed in the French press, as of the 1st of October 2017. Any photograph edited to modify the figure of models (male or female) will have to bear the notice "Retouched Photograph" to comply with the law. Advertisers who fail to abide by this new legal obligation may face a €37,500 fine, which can be brought to 30% of the expenses incurred to produce the advert.”

Can a patentee be liable towards a public health authority for the tort of causing loss by unlawful means, as a result of making misleading or dishonest representations to the EPO/Court as to the validity of a patent? This was the subject of an interim decision of Roth J. earlier this month in the Competition Appeal Tribunal: Secretary of State for Health and Others v Servier Laboratories Limited and Others [2017] EWHC 2006 (Ch) -- IPKat's Eibhlin Vardy has made a detailed summary for you.

And the weekly routine, Around the IP blogs! * 2

Photo courtesy of Mr. He Gong for his lovely kitten Ruobai.


Never Too Late 161 [week ending Sunday 20 August]  Italian Supreme Court issues groundbreaking decision on punitive damages, opening the door for IP claims | TILTing Perspectives 2017 | Freedom of panorama in Portugal: content and scope of the exception | When "mayo" is not mayonnaise, yet still is mayonnaise: All a matter of the label? | Friday Fantasies

Never Too Late 160 [week ending Sunday 13 August] Scottish court “vaporized” trade mark invalidity appeal | Battle of the free trade mark databases – Global Brand Database versus TMview | An Improved Improver? - Part 3. | Netflix weather report: sunny today, possibility of rain clouds tomorrow? | Roger in troubled Waters 

Never Too Late 159 [week ending Sunday 6 August] Cross-undertaking in damages - Napp Pharmaceuticals v Sandoz Limited | In memoriam of June Foray: the greatest screen voice whom you probably never heard of, but likely heard | UK Supreme Court holds that grey market sales can be criminal offence | New administrative notice-and-takedown procedure in Greece | Are you XKING kidding me? Making sense of trade mark conflict in the EUTM system | The challenge of protecting a database without a sui generis right, this time from Singapore | France: costs of blocking injunctions to be borne by internet intermediaries | INTA Trademark Administrators and Practitioners Meeting--early bird registration ends August 4th | TILTing Perspectives 2017 (First Part: Online Enforcement and Black Box Tinkering) | France: 13 million in damages awarded for linking to downloadable copyright works | Monday Miscellany, Sunday Surprises

Never Too Late 158 [week ending Sunday 30 July] The right of communication to the public ... in a chart I From Coca-Cola Zero to Coca-Cola Zero Sugar: big deal or no deal? I Brexit roundtable for brand owners in the financial services industry I CREATe Summer Summit 2017: Open Science, Open Culture & the Global South (and everything between) I BREAKING: BGH asks CJEU what a 'quotation' is: only unaltered reproductions or also something else? I AG Wahl says that, at certain conditions, suppliers of luxury goods may prohibit retailers from selling on third-party online platforms I Book Review: Common Innovation I EPO takes an ‘about turn’ on the patentability of products obtained by essentially biological processes I More on broccoli, tomatoes, and the patentability of a plant or animal obtained by means of an essentially biological process I Copyright protection of minimalist furniture design I Geographical Indications: News from the UK and New Zealand I French Supreme Court : End of the trade mark dispute over 'Cheval Blanc' I Event Report: The European Intellectual Property Teacher's Network 10th Anniversary Conference I Around the IP Blogs