Raw First Impressions of WordPress page builders (NSFW Language)

http://gschoppe.com/wcbos2017 I’ve never really incorporated page builders into my workflow, so in preparation for the talk I decided to do a blind review of 7 of the most common page builders. I recreated the homepage for the site http://www.accessibleweb.com in each builder, without reading any documentation, or taking any tours of the builders.
I chronicled the results in the slideshow above, but I also wanted to share the raw notes i took while building in each one. These notes are not a full review, and you’ll see that some of the ones I rated highly got harsher comments when using… mostly that was because the super obvious issues that i noted in my scorecards sometimes were so bad that I wasn’t as nitpicky with the fine details.
Caution: these notes are unedited, and may contain harsh language
Visual Composer (2 stars)
Why do they need to put two logos on every edit screen?
Wow… that grid of available blocks is hard to parse, and the search was easy to miss
I have to type image size? (while adding an image block)
wait… where is my image?? (10 minutes later) ah, the thumbnail size was capitalized, so my image just didn’t display
Source: https://managewp.org/articles/16020/raw-first-impressions-of-wordpress-page-builders-nsfw-language

source https://williechiu40.wordpress.com/2017/09/01/raw-first-impressions-of-wordpress-page-builders-nsfw-language/