Researchers create robots that can team up when they touch


Via Engadget:

To make robots cooperate with each other and work together, you have a couple of options. The first is to program them to work with information from their surroundings, with which individual robots can sort of organize and work towards a larger goal. However, that’s not so easy to do. A second option is have one central command center that organizes all of the individual robots itself, but that leaves the system open to widespread failure if that central command goes down for some reason. But researchers have developed a method that bridges those two methods and their work was published today in Nature Communications.

The researchers created individual robots that can work on their own, but when they come in contact with another, they link together and shift control over to a single bot. As a group, they can form a slew of different configurations and can work together under a single control center. Because that single control center isn’t a permanent fixture but is instead interchangeable, if something goes wrong with it, the attached bots can break from it and transfer control to a different, functional robot. In other words, they can self-heal.

Read more here and check out the paper from Nature Communications: Mergeable nervous systems for robots

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