Something on the fun/irreverent side

A while back, I read about some ransomware that, instead of leaving a ransom note, accessed the speech functionality of Windows systems to tell the user that the files on their system had been encrypted.  Hearing that, I started doing some research and put together a file that can play selected speech through the speakers of my laptop.  I thought it might be fun to take a different approach with this blog post and share the file.

Copy-paste the below file into an editor window, and save the file as 'speak.vbs', or (as I did, 'deadpool.vbs') on your desktop. Then simply double-click the file.

dim sapi
set sapi=createobject("sapi.spvoice")
Set sapi.Voice = sapi.GetVoices.Item(0)
sapi.Rate = 2
sapi.Volume = 100
sapi.speak "This shit's gonna have NUTS in it!"
sapi.speak "It's time to make the chimichangas!"
sapi.speak "hashtag drive by"

So, Windows 7 has just one 'voice', so there's no realy need for line 3; Windows 10 has two voices by default, so change the '0' to a '1' to switch things up a bit.

The cool thing is that you can attach a file like this to different actions on your system, or you can have fun with your friends (a la the days of SubSeven) and put a file like this in one of the autorun locations on their system.  Ah, good times!