A WordCampers Guide To Asking Questions At Conferences

It’s that season again. In a month, a large number of WordPress folks will migrate to WordCamp US (being held this year in Nashville). and other events (i’ll be attending WordCamp Orlando in early November for example). So I thought it would be a timely reminder of how to ask questions at a WordCamp. There are two times questions are asked at a WordCamp: (1) at the end of a talk, before the speaker leaves the scheduled time off stage and (2) During the “State of the Word” at WordCamp US where Matt Mullenweg typically takes questions from the audience. This advice applies to both.
Keep it short. I think this is the #1 rule, regardless what you do. Most questions do NOT require a complex backstory or history… and if they do, then being live in front of an audience with only a few minutes left for questions. Protip: Ask a question that might get you some of your answer, and you can ask the speaker if you send them a longer version in printed form. Maybe. But keep your question short if nothing else then to be considerate of other people’s time.
Prepare in advance. I think some of the more awkward questions are from people that think of questions on
Source: https://managewp.org/articles/16452/a-wordcampers-guide-to-asking-questions-at-conferences

source https://williechiu40.wordpress.com/2017/10/30/a-wordcampers-guide-to-asking-questions-at-conferences/