Kamui Cosplay’s Finished Heroes of the Storm Nova Costume

Sometimes we don’t start the right projects at the right times. For example, Svetlana Quindt, a.k.a. Kamui Cosplay, began a Heroes of the Storm Nova costume in 2015. She put it aside though because she couldn’t get the ponytail to match the character’s quite the way she wanted. But she returned to the Nova ensemble in 2017 and used her electronics skills (including using product from Adafruit) to revamp and complete the costume. It looks absolutely next level. She’ll be wearing the costume at the upcoming BlizzCon.

See the LED circuits in action in this video on Instagram.

If you’d like to get details on how to use electronics like Kamui Cosplay did in her Nova costume, she has a new book to guide you through it: Advanced Lights – Animated LEDs. You can purchase a print or digital copy at her website.

Top photo by Benni

from Adafruit Industries – Makers, hackers, artists, designers and engineers! http://ift.tt/2ggbMoo