Mesmerizing Video Reveals The Stark Beauty Of Electrodeposition #ArtTuesday
The Beauty of Science team make amazing works highlighting the gorgeous moments that naturally occur in science. Via Co.Design:
The Beauty of Science (BOS) has a stunning new video online dedicated to electrodeposition. This is a chemical reaction in which positively charged metallic ions, called cations, suspended in a liquid solution are attracted to a negatively charged electrode, called a cathode. In the process, the metal molecules form gorgeous structures as they pile up and organize themselves.
The BOS team led by Doctor Yan Liang used a microscope and exquisite photography to film copper tin, zinc, lead, and silver. Thanks to their different chemical properties, each of these metals created distinct shapes. The constructions resemble other fractal structures like crystals, coral, algae, leaves, and trees.
Read the full article and check out Beauty of Science for more.
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