Standalone Video display with a Raspberry Pi #piday #raspberrypi @Raspberry_Pi


From The Meandering Pi and Friends:

A couple of weeks ago my wife arrived back from Lindengate a local mental health gardening charity she volunteers at with an old PC monitor and asked if I could set it up to continuously display a series of videos, she had created to highlight the charities work. Typically the when was the following week and the where was a local doctors surgery. The when meant I was limited to ‘in stock’ parts and the where meant untended operation in a public place. I knew there were various existing instructions for doing this sort of thing with a Raspberry Pi and after a bit of internet searching found an article for a video looper on the Adafruit website which simply automatically plays video files from memory stick inserted into one of the Pi’s USB sockets. I tried this out on a Pi3 and it ticked all the boxes in terms of play back and ease of use, so that was the s/w sorted.

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