WAF-FLE - An Open-source ModSecurity Console

WAF-FLE is an open-source ModSecurity console that allows modsecurity admin to store, view and search events sent by sensors using a graphical dashboard to drill-down and find quickly the most relevant events. It is designed to be fast and flexible, while keeping a powerful and easy to use filter, with almost all fields clickable to use on filter.

The initial resources required to run WAF-FLE are normally low. It is supported in virtual machines, and is supported in Linux and FreeBSD, but should run with other OS that support PHP and MySQL.

See also: ModSecurity - An Open Source Web Application Firewall Engine


  • Central event console
  • Support Modsecurity in "traditional" and "Anomaly Scoring"
  • Brings mlog2waffle as a replacement to mlogc
  • Receive events using mlog2waffle or mlogc
    • mlog2waffle: in real-time, following log tail, or batch scheduled in crontab
    • mlogc: in real-time, piped with ModSecurity log, in batch scheduled in crontab
  • No sensor limit
  • Drill down of events with filter
  • Dashboard with recent events information
  • Almost every event data and charts are "clickable" deepening the drill down filter
  • Inverted filter (to filter for "all but this item")
  • Filter for network (in CIDR format, x.x.x.x/22)
  • Original format (Raw) to event download
  • Use Mysql as database
  • Wizard to help configure log feed between ModSecurity sensors and WAF-FLE
  • Open Source released under GPL v2

from Effect Hacking full article here