We Interviewed the React.js Team at Facebook About WordPress & Gutenberg!

The news about Facebook dropping the patent clause and re-licensing of React under the MIT license brought some sort of relief to the WordPress community. But the much-heated debate isn’t over yet. People are discussing round the clock about the JavaScript Framework Gutenberg is going to adopt. I’d say we’re sticking with React.js from an engineering point of view. Too much effort will go waste if we move away now. WordPress community has been quite vocal, and people have posted some strong recommendations and opinions regarding this issue. WordPress community has been quite vocal, and people have posted some strong recommendations and opinions regarding this issue. I started a conversation on GitHub which (sadly) apart from a few comments have had been a very healthy discussion.
Knowing that React is a very strong contender for Gutenberg I decided to get the other side of the story as well. i.e., how does the React team feels about it things that we (WordPress Community) care about?
I had an incredible chat with the React team — Dan Abramov, Andrew Clark, and Sophie Alpert. They were keen enough to share thoughts about React.js and WordPress.
Have at it.
Q #1:
Source: https://managewp.org/articles/16271/we-interviewed-the-react-js-team-at-facebook-about-wordpress-gutenberg

source https://williechiu40.wordpress.com/2017/10/09/we-interviewed-the-react-js-team-at-facebook-about-wordpress-gutenberg/