How to Achieve a Google Page Speed Score of 90% or Higher with Your WordPress Website?

Yes you read it correctly. It is possible to achieve Google Page Speed Score of 90% or Higher with your WordPress Website. Few days back the Google Page Speed Score of our website was between 67 to 70 and now it has achieved a Score of 90+. The good part of this tutorial is – all the plugins are available at free of cost. You don’t need to spend a single buck to achieve this score.To increase the speed of website and achieve 90+ score follow the instruction given below
Images often occupy a significant amount of visual space on your website. Try to reduce the size of the images by optimizing the same.There are two-way for optimizing the images for the web;
Using offline method like Photoshop etc.
If you have only few images for optimization then you can download the same and optimize it using software like Photoshop etc.
Using online method through WordPress Plugins
If you have more than hundred images then downloading and uploading the same again will be cumbersome activity. It is not possible to optimize all images manually. Here you will need a plugin to carry out this activity. Many free WordPress Plugins are available in the market for optimizing the images for web.
