How to make your own WordPress dashboard widget

Do you build a plugin and want to easily display some general information? Or perhaps you are building a theme and want your customers to keep up with your blog? If you don’t want to build a dedicated settings page, then a simple (or complex, your call) widget on the WordPress dashboard should be enough. It’s very easy and very fast, too! We’ll be creating a plugin that holds our code for this tutorial. While there is no specific goal, we’ll show how to handle some common use-cases.
Creating a dashboard widget
The code needed to register a dashboard widget is pretty much boilerplate:
Plugin Name: Dashboard Widget
Plugin URI:
Description: Dashboard widget tutorial code
Version: 1.0
Author: CSSIgniter
Author URI:
License: GPLv2 or later
License URI:

add_action( ‘wp_dashboard_setup’, ‘ci_dashboard_add_widgets’ );
function ci_dashboard_add_widgets() {
wp_add_dashboard_widget( ‘dw_dashboard_widget_news’, __( ‘CSSIgniter News’, ‘dw’ ), ‘dw_dashboard_widget_news_handler’ );

function dw_dashboard_widget_news_handler() {
_e( ‘This is some text.’, ‘dw’ );
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