The Best Content Delivery Networks for WordPress in 2017

If you’ve minified and combined files, optimized images, deleted plugins, enabled compression and caching, fixed render-blocking resources, reduced HTTP requests and tried other countless ways to speed up your site, it’s time to consider signing up to a content delivery network (CDN). A CDN is a network of servers located around the world that cache the static content of a website, such as images and CSS and JavaScript files. When a user visits a website that uses a CDN, the server node closest to the user serves up the static content of the site, ensuring the shortest distance for the data to travel and a faster site experience.
There are a lot of CDNs around. You’ve probably heard of Cloudflare, which is hugely popular, and other options like MaxCDN and KeyCDN. But choosing a CDN can be tricky because each has its pros and cons. Plus, there’s been a lot of change in the industry over the past two years so a CDN you might have been familiar may have grown considerably in recent years – or been acquired by another company.
So in this post, we’ll take a look at the top CDNs of 2017 along with their features, pricing, and what’s changed in recent
