CoderDojo Norrköping Using Circuit Playground Classic to Teach Programming During the Norrköping Light Festival in Sweden | #norrkopinglightfestival #nuitblanche

These are some great pictures from workshops that are taking place during the Norrköping Light Festival – check out the location and details of the works along the river Motala ström here on the festival website (English translation provided), and also check out the festival Facebook page here.

The text below is the original Swedish followed by English provided by Google Translate:

Föreningen Coderdojo Norrköping jobbar med att uppmuntra intresset för teknik hos både tjejer och killar mellan sju och 17 år. Med jämna mellanrum samlar föreningen barn och ungdomar för att coacha och tipsa om grunderna i programmering. Lördagens samling, eller dojo, hade ljus som tema där deltagarna fick programmera egna bidrag och välja om de ville ställa ut sina verk. Inspirationen kom från den stundande ljusfestivalen.

Intresset var stort och fantasin närmast obegränsad.

Arletti Mbuta Vasunga och Towa Fröjd jobbade tillsammans med programmering vid en laptop. Resultatet av deras färg- och ljusspel visades på en liten rund mojäng – ett sorts runt kretskort med inbyggda lysdioder – som de kopplat till datorn.

The association Coderdojo Norrköping works to encourage the interest in technology for both girls and boys between seven and 17 years. The association regularly collects children and young people to coach and tips about the basics of programming. Saturday’s gathering, or dojo, had light as a theme where participants were allowed to program their own contributions and choose whether they wanted to exhibit their works. The inspiration came from the present light festival.

The interest was great and the imagination almost unlimited.

Arletti Mbuta Vasunga and Towa Fröjd worked together with programming at a laptop. The result of their color and light games was shown on a small round mojäng – a kind of circuit board with built-in LEDs – as they connected to the computer.

Resultatet kan allmänheten avnjuta i samband med Norrköping Light Festival då deltagarnas små runda lysdioder, eller Adafruit Circuit Playgrounds, visas upp i Industrilandskapet.

The results can be enjoyed by the public in connection with the Norrköping Light Festival when the participants’ small round LEDs, or Adafruit Circuit Playgrounds, are displayed in the Industrial Landscape.

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