Dshell - Network Forensic Analysis Framework

Dshell - Network Forensic Analysis Framework

Dshell is an extensible network forensic analysis framework.

It enables rapid development of plugins to support the dissection of network packet captures.

Key Features:

  • Robust stream reassembly
  • IPv4 and IPv6 support
  • Custom output handlers
  • Chainable decoders



  • Lists all available decoders alongside basic information about them
  decode -l  
  • Shows generic command-line flags available to most decoders
  decode -h  
  • Displays information about a decoder, including available command-line flags
  decode -d   
  • Run the selected decoder on a pcap file
  decode -d    


Install all of the necessary Python modules listed above. Many of them are available via pip and/or apt-get. Pygeoip is not yet available as a package and must be installed with pip or manually.
  sudo apt-get install python-crypto python-dpkt python-ipy python-pypcap  
  sudo pip install pygeoip  
Configure pygeoip by moving the MaxMind data files (GeoIP.dat, GeoIPv6.dat, GeoIPASNum.dat, GeoIPASNumv6.dat) to /share/GeoIP/

Run make. This will build Dshell.

Run ./dshell. This is Dshell. If you get a Dshell> prompt, you're good to go!

from Effect Hacking full article here