Life-sized Thestral Made from Plastic Horse Skeleton – and Tape, Pool Noodle, Epoxy Clay, and Other Crafts | #HarryPotter

Epbot made an awesome life-sized thestral from a plastic horse skeleton along with lots of ordinary crafts and hardware like screws, tape, epoxy clay, and more! Check out more photos here.

So possibly our biggest surprise at the Potter Party last weekend was Tiny Tim, the life-sized thestral in the back yard. Yes, thestral. You know, the undead skeleton horses that can only be seen after you witness someone dying? I mean, HOW FESTIVE DOES THAT SOUND.

It’s all Home Depot’s fault, of course, since they were selling life-sized horse skeletons for Halloween. We weren’t about to drop $200 for it, though, so we waited ’til November 1st, called every Home Depot in the greater Orlando area, and on try #17 finally found one for half off. Still pricey at a hundred bucks, of course, but John was positively GIDDY at the thought of making our own thestral.

So we did.

Check out lots more photos here at