NSEarch - Nmap Script Engine Search

NSEarch -  Nmap Script Engine Search

Nsearch is a tool that helps you to find scripts that are used by nmap (nse), you can search the scripts using different keywords as the name, category, and author, even using all the keyword in a single query, it is also possible to see the documentation of the scripts founded.


$ pip install pyyaml python-i18n

# apt-get install unzip libreadline-gplv2-dev build-essential checkinstall unzip 
sqlite3 libsqlite3-dev -y

# yum -y install bzip2 groupinstall "Development Tools"


To install the application is necessary to run as root user the installation script (install.sh), for the time, the script is only for OS based on Debian and based on Red Hat (CentOS). MacOSX or other UNIX it's better to do the installation for each dependency manually.

Automatic Installation:
# sh install.sh

File Configuration
Find the script.db's path, use the command below
$ find /usr -type f -name "script.db" 2>/dev/null | awk 'gsub("script.db","")'

Then create a config.yaml file, on the main path of the script
scriptsPath: '/usr/local/share/nmap/scripts/'
filePath: '/usr/local/share/nmap/scripts/script.db'
fileBackup: 'scriptbk.db'
scriptdb: 'nmap_scripts.sqlite3'
categories: {"auth","broadcast","brute","default","discovery","dos","exploit",


$ python nsearch.py
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| . ` | `--. \| __| / _` || '__| / __|| '_ |
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\_| \_/\____/ \____/ \__,_||_| \___||_| |_|
Version 0.4b http://goo.gl/8mFHE5 @jjtibaquira
Email: jko@dragonjar.org | www.dragonjar.org

Creating Database :nmap_scripts.sqlite3
Creating Table For Script ....
Creating Table for Categories ....
Creating Table for Scripts per Category ....
Upload Categories to Categories Table ...

Main Console:
_ _ _____ _____ _
| \ | |/ ___|| ___| | |
| \| |\ `--. | |__ __ _ _ __ ___ | |__
| . ` | `--. \| __| / _` || '__| / __|| '_ |
| |\ |/\__/ /| |___ | (_| || | | (__ | | | |
\_| \_/\____/ \____/ \__,_||_| \___||_| |_|
Version 0.4b http://goo.gl/8mFHE5 @jjtibaquira
Email: jko@dragonjar.org | www.dragonjar.org

Cheking DB ... nmap_scripts.sqlite3
The DB is updated nmap_scripts.sqlite3


Basic Commands:
_ _ _____ _____ _
| \ | |/ ___|| ___| | |
| \| |\ `--. | |__ __ _ _ __ ___ | |__
| . ` | `--. \| __| / _` || '__| / __|| '_ |
| |\ |/\__/ /| |___ | (_| || | | (__ | | | |
\_| \_/\____/ \____/ \__,_||_| \___||_| |_|
Version 0.4b http://goo.gl/8mFHE5 @jjtibaquira
Email: jko@dragonjar.org | www.dragonjar.org

nsearch> help

Nsearch Commands
addfav clear delfav doc exit help history last modfav search showfav

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\_| \_/\____/ \____/ \__,_||_| \___||_| |_|
Version 0.4b http://goo.gl/8mFHE5 @jjtibaquira
Email: jko@dragonjar.org | www.dragonjar.org

nsearch> help search

name : Search by script's name
category : Search by category
author : Search by author
search name:http
search category:exploit
search author:fyodor
search name:http category:exploit author:fyodor

_ _ _____ _____ _
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| . ` | `--. \| __| / _` || '__| / __|| '_ |
| |\ |/\__/ /| |___ | (_| || | | (__ | | | |
\_| \_/\____/ \____/ \__,_||_| \___||_| |_|
Version 0.4b http://goo.gl/8mFHE5 @jjtibaquira
Email: jko@dragonjar.org | www.dragonjar.org

nsearch> search name:http author:calderon category:vuln
*** Name Author
[+] http-vuln-cve2012-1823.nse Paulino Calderon, Paul AMAR
[+] http-phpself-xss.nse Paulino Calderon
[+] http-wordpress-enum.nse Paulino Calderon
[+] http-adobe-coldfusion-apsa1301.nse Paulino Calderon
[+] http-vuln-cve2013-0156.nse Paulino Calderon
[+] http-awstatstotals-exec.nse Paulino Calderon
[+] http-axis2-dir-traversal.nse Paulino Calderon
[+] http-huawei-hg5xx-vuln.nse Paulino Calderon
[+] http-tplink-dir-traversal.nse Paulino Calderon
[+] http-trace.nse Paulino Calderon
[+] http-litespeed-sourcecode-download.nse Paulino Calderon
[+] http-majordomo2-dir-traversal.nse Paulino Calderon
[+] http-method-tamper.nse Paulino Calderon
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| . ` | `--. \| __| / _` || '__| / __|| '_ |
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\_| \_/\____/ \____/ \__,_||_| \___||_| |_|
Version 0.4b http://goo.gl/8mFHE5 @jjtibaquira
Email: jko@dragonjar.org | www.dragonjar.org

nsearch> doc ssh
ssh-hostkey.nse ssh2-enum-algos.nse sshv1.nse
nsearch> doc sshv1.nse
local nmap = require "nmap"
local shortport = require "shortport"
local string = require "string"

description = [[
Checks if an SSH server supports the obsolete and less secure SSH Protocol Version 1.
author = "Brandon Enright"

Favorites Feature:
_ _ _____ _____ _
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| . ` | `--. \| __| / _` || '__| / __|| '_ |
| |\ |/\__/ /| |___ | (_| || | | (__ | | | |
\_| \_/\____/ \____/ \__,_||_| \___||_| |_|
Version 0.4b http://goo.gl/8mFHE5 @jjtibaquira
Email: jko@dragonjar.org | www.dragonjar.org

nsearch> addfav name:http-vuln-cve2012-1823.nse ranking:great
[+] http-vuln-cve2012-1823.nse The Script was added successfully
_ _ _____ _____ _
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| . ` | `--. \| __| / _` || '__| / __|| '_ |
| |\ |/\__/ /| |___ | (_| || | | (__ | | | |
\_| \_/\____/ \____/ \__,_||_| \___||_| |_|
Version 0.4b http://goo.gl/8mFHE5 @jjtibaquira
Email: jko@dragonjar.org | www.dragonjar.org

nsearch> showfav
*** Name Ranking
[+] sslv2.nse normal
[+] http-vuln-cve2012-1823.nse great
_ _ _____ _____ _
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| . ` | `--. \| __| / _` || '__| / __|| '_ |
| |\ |/\__/ /| |___ | (_| || | | (__ | | | |
\_| \_/\____/ \____/ \__,_||_| \___||_| |_|
Version 0.4b http://goo.gl/8mFHE5 @jjtibaquira
Email: jko@dragonjar.org | www.dragonjar.org

nsearch> showfav
*** Name Ranking
[+] sslv2.nse normal
[+] http-vuln-cve2012-1823.nse great

nsearch> modfav name:sslv2.nse newranking:great
[+] sslv2.nse The Script was updated successfully

nsearch> showfav
*** Name Ranking
[+] sslv2.nse great
[+] http-vuln-cve2012-1823.nse great
_ _ _____ _____ _
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| . ` | `--. \| __| / _` || '__| / __|| '_ |
| |\ |/\__/ /| |___ | (_| || | | (__ | | | |
\_| \_/\____/ \____/ \__,_||_| \___||_| |_|
Version 0.4b http://goo.gl/8mFHE5 @jjtibaquira
Email: jko@dragonjar.org | www.dragonjar.org

nsearch> showfav
*** Name Ranking
[+] sslv2.nse great
[+] http-vuln-cve2012-1823.nse great

nsearch> delfav name:sslv2.nse
[+] sslv2.nse The Script was removed successfully

nsearch> showfav
*** Name Ranking
[+] http-vuln-cve2012-1823.nse great


from Effect Hacking full article here