Omer Tower Stands 117′ 11″ Tall and is Made from Automatic Binding Bricks (aka LEGO)

via the New York Times:

Plastic building blocks are once again reaching for the sky.

This time, it was the city of Tel Aviv that made an attempt to build the tallest Lego tower — or, officially, the tallest structure built with interlocking plastic bricks, not all of them made by the Danish toy giant.

This attempt followed similar efforts in Milan in 2015 and in Budapest a year before that. Unlike its predecessors, however, the Tel Aviv effort is not sponsored by Lego. Instead, it’s a joint effort between Tel Aviv City Hall and Young Engineers, an organization that promotes learning with toy bricks. The tower is intended to honor a child who died from cancer.

Omer Sayag was 8 years old when he died in 2014. His former teachers, knowing his passion for building blocks, started the initiative to build the structure as a way to remember him. They called it Omer Tower.

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