Silicon Systems, Inc. (SSi) Reunion 2012 (video)

Silicon Systems, Inc. (SSi) Reunion 2012 (video) & Wikiepdia

The founders and early employees of Silicon Systems, Inc. share their experiences of working together to design and supply custom integrated circuits.

Gene Potter hosts the discussion of the “Can-Do Attitude” the helped SSi to successfully develop many innovations in the IC industry.

The reunion was held in Orange, CA on November 25, 2012. Among the participants were the co-founders of SSi: Gene Potter, Ron Reeder and Bill Drobish.

SSi was founded on May 17, 1972 and based in Tustin, CA. The company grew to 146 employees and had revenue of $10.5M in 1980. Its initial public offering was January 29, 1981. SSi became a leading supplier of integrated circuits for disk drives, touch-tone receivers, vehicle loop detectors, and other applications from garage door openers to descrambling satellite broadcast signals. In 1996, SSi had annual revenue of $400M.

In addition to the founders, the early employees at the reunion included: Mike Taggart, Steve Griggs, Jill DeGuzman, Martin Harvey, Denise Dres, Cody Campbell, Gary McMullin, Mike Wimbrow, Chuck Austin, Grant Shatto, Bert White, Ed Bernard, Marty Jurick, Jim Kellis, Rhona Jordan, Ed Klein and Lynn Yamasaki.