The Levi’s Commuter Trucker Jacket will light up and find your phone #Wearables

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Via wearable

Google has provided its first major update to the Levi’s Commuter Trucker Jacket, allowing wearers to find their phone and light up the tag for custom gestures.

Launching back in September, the jacket became the first piece of smart clothing from the folks at Google’s Project Jacquard, bringing the likes of navigation help, notification support and music control.

Now, though, users will be able to take advantage of Illuminate and Find Your Phone, showing Google’s ambition to roll out functionality even after the jacket’s launch.

The latter feature is exactly what you would expect. When you use a gesture assigned to the feature, your phone will ring for up to 30 seconds at its maximum volume, even if it’s on silent. Meanwhile, Illuminate lets you set gestures to create three light modes.

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