The micro:bit Bluetooth troubleshooting guide @microbit_edu #microbit #microbitlove #microbitmonday

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The microbit Bluetooth Troubleshooting guide pdf page 5 of 44

Via bitty software

Bluetooth offers all sorts of exciting possibilities to the micro:bit enthusiast but because a micro:bit is programmable and therefore can have whatever code on it you choose, it can sometimes be tricky to get it working. Download our troubleshooting guide for tips on how to solve common and not so common problems.

Download your copy here!

3530 15Each Monday is Micro:bitMonday here at Adafruit! Designed specifically for kids and beginners, the micro:bit is a pocket-sized computer that you can code, customize and control to bring your digital ideas, games and apps to life! Play, learn, explore: get started with micro:bit! Adafruit is an authorized Micro:bit reseller- check out all of our posts, tutorials and Micro:bit related products!

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