Using Computer Vision to Play ‘DOOM’ on Spatially-Mapped Christmas Tree LEDs | #doomgame #OpenCV @DOOM

Wait for it:

Also ch00ftech has a great, expansive write-up on their blog with lots more thoughts and details:

In order to make fun animations on the LEDs, we need to know the exact location of each LED. With the MPC Renaissance, I started with a picture of the device and wrote a script that would record where I clicked on that picture. By clicking on the LEDs in the order they were addressed in software, I essentially mapped the LED software address to their physical locations.

We’re in 2017 now though and everything is supposed to be solved with computer vision (or neural nets).

There’s a great open source project called OpenCV (Open Computer Vision) which has a bunch of awesome tools for giving robots eyeballs and letting them do the boring work for you like read license plates.

Read more.


Classic ‘DOOM’ Ported to Various Screens for Decades @DOOM

The engine for the original “Doom” is being used to design buildings