What’s new in Gutenberg 1.9? (11th December)
Gutenberg is back to a regular schedule after a great WCUS in Nashville which included many conversations and exchanges of ideas. If you missed it, checkout Matt’s State of the Word presentation for an overview of how the year has gone and what lies ahead for Gutenberg. (It also includes a demo of the plugin in action.) It was great to have new people helping at contributor day and submitting pull requests. Thanks! This release introduces global reusable blocks as the main highlight, but there are also improvements to templates (ability to lock them down), versioning block attributes so markup can be migrated, and many extensibility additions as well as bug fixes.
Introducing reusable global blocks. (Stored in a wp_blocks post type.)
Add ability to lock down the editor when using templates so edits can happen but blocks can’t be removed, moved, nor added.
Handle and upgrade deprecated blocks. This allows to migrate attributes without invalidating blocks and an important part of the block API.
Drag and drop upload support to gallery block.
Expose packages/hooks public API under wp.hooks.
Introduces withFilters higher-order component to make component filtering easier.
Source: https://managewp.org/articles/16779/what-s-new-in-gutenberg-1-9-11th-december

source https://williechiu40.wordpress.com/2017/12/11/whats-new-in-gutenberg-1-9-11th-december/