XAttacker - Website Vulnerability Scanner & Auto Exploiter

XAttacker is a Website Vulnerability Scanner & Auto Exploiter developed by Mohamed Riahi

git clone https://github.com/Moham3dRiahi/XAttacker.git

Auto Cms Detect
  • [1] WordPress :
    • [+] Adblock Blocker
    • [+] WP All Import
    • [+] Blaze
    • [+] Catpro
    • [+] Cherry Plugin
    • [+] Download Manager
    • [+] Formcraft
    • [+] levoslideshow
    • [+] Power Zoomer
    • [+] Gravity Forms
    • [+] Revslider Upload Shell
    • [+] Revslider Dafece Ajax
    • [+] Revslider Get Config
    • [+] Showbiz
    • [+] Simple Ads Manager
    • [+] Slide Show Pro
    • [+] WP Mobile Detector
    • [+] Wysija
    • [+] InBoundio Marketing
    • [+] dzs-zoomsounds
    • [+] Reflex Gallery
    • [+] Creative Contact Form
    • [+] Work The Flow File Upload
    • [+] WP Job Manger
    • [+] PHP Event Calendar
    • [+] Synoptic
    • [+] Wp Shop
    • [+] Content Injection
  • [2] Joomla
    • [+] Com Jce
    • [+] Com Media
    • [+] Com Jdownloads
    • [+] Com Fabrik
    • [+] Com Jdownloads Index
    • [+] Com Foxcontact
    • [+] Com Ads Manager
    • [+] Com Blog
    • [+] Com Users
    • [+] Com Weblinks
    • [+] mod_simplefileupload
  • [3] DruPal
    • [+] Add Admin
  • [4] PrestaShop
    • [+] columnadverts
    • [+] soopamobile
    • [+] soopabanners
    • [+] Vtermslideshow
    • [+] simpleslideshow
    • [+] productpageadverts
    • [+] homepageadvertise
    • [+] homepageadvertise2
    • [+] jro_homepageadvertise
    • [+] attributewizardpro
    • [+] 1attributewizardpro
    • [+] AttributewizardproOLD
    • [+] attributewizardpro_x
    • [+] advancedslider
    • [+] cartabandonmentpro
    • [+] cartabandonmentproOld
    • [+] videostab
    • [+] wg24themeadministration
    • [+] fieldvmegamenu
    • [+] wdoptionpanel
    • [+] pk_flexmenu
    • [+] pk_vertflexmenu
    • [+] nvn_export_orders
    • [+] megamenu
    • [+] tdpsthemeoptionpanel
    • [+] psmodthemeoptionpanel
    • [+] masseditproduct
  • [5] Lokomedia
    • SQL injection


Short FormLong FormDescription
-l--listwebsites list

if you have list websites run tool with this command line
perl XAttacker.pl -l list.txt
if you don't have list websites run the tool with this command
perl XAttacker.pl

For coloring in windows Add This Line
use Win32::Console::ANSI;

Current version is 2.1 What's New 
• Wordpress Levo-Slideshow 2.3 - Arbitrary File Upload
• GS-Dorker
• speed up
• Bug fixes
version 2.0 
• speed up
• Bug fixes
version 1.9
• Bug fixes