A Collection of Gutenberg Conversations, Resources, and Videos

Since the conclusion of WordCamp US in early December, there have been a number of Gutenberg related items published to the web. The following is a collection of items related to Gutenberg that I came across throughout December. Feel free to add to this list in the comments below.
Getting Ready for Gutenberg is a community-run initiative to help users and developers prepare for Gutenberg’s inclusion in core.
GitHub repo filled with Gutenberg example blocks.
Although it was published in August of last year, WordImpress has a good guide on how to contribute to Gutenberg without code.
Rich Tabor explains how to add WordPress theme styles to Gutenberg. He’s also created a Gutenberg Social Sharing Block plugin.
Human Made published a Gutenberg White Paper that introduces people to the project, goes over a number of blocks, and provides advice on how agencies can prepare for the transition.
Frontenberg is a new project by Tom Nowell that brings Gutenberg to the front end. This allows people to try Gutenberg without logging into a site or installing a plugin.
Ben Gilbanks has added basic support for Gutenberg to his Granule starter theme.
Andrew Taylor created a Gutenberg block that
Source: https://managewp.org/articles/16889/a-collection-of-gutenberg-conversations-resources-and-videos

source https://williechiu40.wordpress.com/2018/01/04/a-collection-of-gutenberg-conversations-resources-and-videos/