Active Super Shop Multi-vendor CMS v1.4.6 cracked

Active Super Shop Multi-vendor CMS v1.4.6

Active Super Shop Multi-vendor CMS v1.4.6

Active Super Shop Multi-vendor system is a complete B-2-B-2-C e-Commerce platform which is developed with powerful codeIgniter (php framework) and client site has been develoved with Bootstrap for Responsive Design.

Версия: Active Super Shop Multi-vendor CMS v1.4.6

Version : v1.4.6

Price : $39

Homepage : SalesPage



  • B-B-C e-Commerce system

  • Convenient Multi-vendor process

  • Using CodeIgniter Framework

  • Using bootstrap for Responsive view


  • Manage Physical product

  • Manage Digital product

  • Product publishing/unpublishing

  • Product stock

  • Product destroy

  • Product featuring

  • Product discount

  • Product compare

  • Product wish

  • Product rating

  • Product commenting

  • Customer choice option

  • Discount coupon

  • Paypal Payment

  • Stripe Payment

  • Cash on Delivery

  • Portable vendor subscription

  • Instructive vendor public profile

  • Vendor-wise search option

  • Trouble free vendor panel

  • Switching vendor package

  • Portable vendor management

  • Vendor profile management

  • Maximum product upload limitation

  • Vendorship expiration limitation

  • Inspect uploaded product log

  • Inspect product stock report

  • Inspect product wish report

  • Inspect product compare report

  • Smart Customer profile

  • Automated Invoice

  • Facebook login

  • Google plus login

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