ANTI AIRCRAFT MECH #3DPrinting #3DThursday

300zxcolin shared this project on Thingiverse!

Hi Guys.
This is my next walking tank. Its an anti aircraft gun with four fully poseable legs unlike my other mechs which have fixed legs. This makes for a lot of parts to make but the end result is very cool. The joint pins are a little loose so I may re-do those if they are a problem. Let me know.
The feet aren’t attached to the legs and mine are held on with blue tac. I tried proper ball joints but they never really worked with the slight inaccuracys of my printers.
Rhis is a large model at 280mm high with the guns raised and 380mm square with the legs posed like the photo’s.
A complex build but worth it if you have the patience.
As always have fun and show me if you build one.

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Every Thursday is #3dthursday here at Adafruit! The DIY 3D printing community has passion and dedication for making solid objects from digital models. Recently, we have noticed electronics projects integrated with 3D printed enclosures, brackets, and sculptures, so each Thursday we celebrate and highlight these bold pioneers!

Have you considered building a 3D project around an Arduino or other microcontroller? How about printing a bracket to mount your Raspberry Pi to the back of your HD monitor? And don’t forget the countless LED projects that are possible when you are modeling your projects in 3D!

from Adafruit Industries – Makers, hackers, artists, designers and engineers!