Art and Other Awesomeness Inspired by NASA’s James Webb Space Telescope | @NASAWebb

(Early full-scale model on display at NASA Goddard (2005), via Wikipedia)

The Webb was recently removed from cryo. Now whenever humans are near it you might catch them working on webcam errrr WebbCam 😉 When this thing launches in 2019 it will be monumental – I suspect you’ll see lots of motifs about it, given its very signature shape, composed of 18 hexagonal mirrors atop a multi-foil ship-like shape reminiscent of Star Destroyers. But it is the mirrors which will cement this ‘scopes legacy, with a collection area near five times that of the Hubble – images from this thing no doubt will be, in a word, awesomesauce! And the distinct layout of the mirrors is already inspiring others – check out these incredible pieces of art we spotted over on the Webb’s Flickr account (every satellite launched now comes with a Flickr account – oh and a Twitter.)

#JWSTArt - by Josefina Riberio

#JWSTArt - by Alex Berkowitz/Think Illogical.

This model is made from stone glued on cardboard:

James Webb Telescope (stone and cardboard box )

Look at this amazing ink:

#JWSTArt - by Sean Leute/Chon Hernandez

Here’s another awesome tattoo:

#JWSTArt - by Enrico Novelli

#JWSTArt - by Unni Isaksen

#JWSTArt by Anri Demchenko

And my personal favorite, this absolutely amazing quilt that is an homage to The Great Wave off Kanagawa by Hokusai:

from Adafruit Industries – Makers, hackers, artists, designers and engineers!