Candy Grabber with robot arm and micro:bit @microbit_edu #microbit #microbitlove #microbitmonday

asondemita net shared this video on Youtube! You can find the wiring diagram in dropbox here!

3530 15Each Monday is Micro:bitMonday here at Adafruit! Designed specifically for kids and beginners, the micro:bit is a pocket-sized computer that you can code, customize and control to bring your digital ideas, games and apps to life! Play, learn, explore: get started with micro:bit! Adafruit is an authorized Micro:bit reseller- check out all of our posts, tutorials and Micro:bit related products!

Experimenting with your own Micro:bit project? Use the hashtag #microbitmonday so we can feature your inspiring work on the Adafruit blog!

from Adafruit Industries – Makers, hackers, artists, designers and engineers!