Decodify - Detect And Decode Encoded Strings Recursively

Decodify - Detect And Decode Encoded Strings Recursively

Now lets pass this encoded string to Decodify:

Boom! Thats what Decodify does.

Supported Encodings and Encryptions
  • Caesar ciphers
  • Binary
  • Hex
  • Decimal
  • Base64
  • URL
  • FromChar
  • MD5
  • SHA1
  • SHA2

Decoding Caesar Cipher
You can supply the offest by --rot option or you can tell Decodify to decode for 1-20 offest by using --rot all

Installing Decodify
Download Decodify with the following command:

Now switch to Decodify directory and run the installer with this command:
cd Decodify && chmod +x ./
Now you can run decodify by entering dcode in your terminal.