Detect And Bypass Web Application Firewalls And Protection Systems - WhatWaf

  • Ability to run on a single URL with the -u/--url flag
  • Ability to run through a list of URL's with the -l/--list flag
  • Ability to detect over 40 different firewalls
  • Ability to try over 20 different tampering techniques
  • Ability to pass your own payloads either from a file or from the terminal
  • Payloads that are guaranteed to produce at least one WAF triggering
  • Ability to bypass firewalls using both SQLi techniques and cross site scripting techniques
  • Ability to run behind Tor
  • Ability to run behind multiple proxy types (socks4, socks5, http, https)
  • Ability to use a random user agent, personal user agent, or custom default user agent
  • More to come...

Installing whatwaf is super easy, all you have to do is the following:
Have Python 2.7, Python 3.x compatibility is being implemented soon:
sudo -s << EOF
git clone
cd whatwaf
chmod +x
pip2 install -r requirements.txt
./ --help

Proof of concept
First we'll run the website through WhatWaf and figure out which firewall protects it (if any):

Next we'll go to that website and see what the page looks like:

Hmm.. that doesn't really look like Cloudflare does it? Let's check what the HTTP headers server and cookies say:

And finally, lets try one of the bypasses that it tells us to try:

Demo vídeo