DotStar Clock

Thanks for sending this in Bruce! Via people.ece.cornell

The purpose of this project was to design a digital LED clock influenced by
the large clock on the building at 200 Water Street in lower Manhattan.
Jason has always wanted to create an homage to this clock since he finds the
design inspiring. Jason and Eldar decided build a wall clock for their final
project using the 200 Water Street Clock design. They were motivated to
create a functional piece of technology that adds color, vibrance, and time
to any room. This project was implemented on a PIC32 Microcontroller using
the Small Development Board used in class, that has an external oscillator
keeping time with accuracy of ±1 minute per year, and the WWVB receiver for
setting the time whenever the signal can be received. Time is a displayed on
a panel in front of 72 Adafruit DotStar LEDs. The clock takes input from
three Push-Down Buttons that select the mode of operation: Time, Date, and

200 Water Street

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