Ghaleb Cabbabe Talks Beirut Focused Series Ahlein with Lost at E Minor #celebratephotography


How wonderful is it to hear an artist discuss their series, particularly a series as intimate Ahlein. Via Lost at E Minor:

What motivated you to shoot this remarkable series?

“I’m glad it reached you and got your attention. I’m usually interested in peeling and scratching layers, to discover and portray what could be happening behind the scenes, beyond what we first see, think, or perceive. Especially when it is related to social behavior, codes, and interaction.

“Lebanon has a strong reputation of a warm and welcoming country towards foreigners. It is somehow true, especially towards tourists, but there is also a certain lack of meaningful interest for immigrants.

“This curiosity is in a way limited and sometimes superficial. It often oscillates around a drink or a good local meal, and then everyone returns to his own bubble and comfort zone. So, I wanted to explore that deeper, more personal and genuine side.

“And I was actually surprised to see how easy it was to discover and access “unseen” new places. It just required that little will to do it, by asking a question, making a phone call or opening a door. When the series was exhibited in Beirut, some visitors first thought that it was shot abroad.”

Read more and check out the full series


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