Going Gutenberg: Chapter I – The Events Calendar

We’ve made significant rewrites and refactors of our products over the years, but adapting our plugins to fully integrate with the new editor coming in WordPress version 5.0—code-named “Gutenberg”—is the biggest ecosystem change we’ve faced since the introduction of custom post types. Agencies and developers have been speaking out in large number and loud volume about their hopes, fears, and predictions for how Gutenberg will change the WordPress world. This blog post isn’t about that—we’ll instead take a specific look at how The Events Calendar will be affected by Gutenberg, and how we plan to grow our plugins to take advantage of everything the new editor has to offer.
Why Gutenberg is Worth the Effort
Our existing metaboxes and shortcodes will continue to work for a long time in the new editor. This means that there are two main roads we can embark on:
We could just make minimal changes to ensure nothing breaks. This is the cheapest option, and lets us focus on our existing roadmap of new plugin features.
We could fully embrace Gutenberg, and look for new opportunities to improve our products as the foundations of WordPress itself
Source: https://managewp.org/articles/16968/going-gutenberg-chapter-i-the-events-calendar

source https://williechiu40.wordpress.com/2018/01/19/going-gutenberg-chapter-i-the-events-calendar/